Shoreham Port one step closer to being converted into a hydrogen hub

Shoreham Port on South Coast of UK
Hydrogen Taskforce delivers UK green gas action plan
EV Roadshow Coventry city centre, November
EV Roadshow 2019 3 EV Roadshow 2019 5
EV Roadshow 2019 4 EV Roadshow 2019 2
‘Time to consider hydrogen, the new clean energy carrier on the block’

The Guardian, 2018

51st hydrogen station opens in Germany, September 2018
Frechen1 Frechen3 Frechen4 ScissorsFrechenHRSGermany’s 51st hydrogen refuelling station opened in Frechen, Cologne on Friday 21 Sept. This was the second Air Liquide station to be opened as part of the FCH JU funded SWARM project. Microcab’s generation 3 SWARM vehicle and a Toyota Mirai were present along with invited guests including the Mayor of Frechen, Susanne Stupp, seen here filling the Mirai with hydrogen.
Jeremy Corbyn delivers key Brexit speech in Coventry
Mikey Sewell_1 cropped Jeremy Corbyn Microcab 2 Low Res Labour party descends on Coventry for Jeremy Corbyn speech about the need for A Customs Union after Brexit. Microcab asked to provide hydrogen vehicles for backdrop. Speech delivered in the heart of UK automotive sector in which frictionless, pan EU supply chain is essential. Photos: Mike Sewell
Microcab at Frankfurt IAA 2017
Frankfurt1screen resFrankfurt4 screen resFrankfurt5 screen resFrankfurt6 screen res Microcab seen here at Frankfurt Motor Show on Mahle stand. Mahle have developed their MEET (Mahle Energy Efficient Transport) project on the Microcab platform. A second (road going) car is currently being developed.